View Full Version : For your guild members who can write :D

02-15-2007, 04:16 PM
I just wanted to let you know this website is paying for kill guides for some of the bosses you guys have downed, High King Maulgar $50.


Goodluck on the other bosses at Karazhan!

Getbacker on Turalyon EU

02-16-2007, 01:29 PM
Anyways...just a tiny update :) We now have Doom Lord Kazzak Strategy Guide (http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=3) and Nightbane Strategy Guide (http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=6) and some people have won the prize money for $100 and $50 so please take them off the list.

Thanks! :D (still some bosses left and more prizes to win btw ;) )

02-18-2007, 11:53 AM
Hey guys. Another update for those interested. Chess event guide prize bumped to $60 for this week only.

If in any doubts concerning writing of guides/prize money feel free to post here or PM me on forums.


02-19-2007, 12:34 PM
Hey guys, Gruul is off the list. We now have a Gruul the Dragonkiller Strategy Guide (http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=7) and the author of this guide won the $100 prize money. But still we have a number of bosses left! The Chess event seems fairly simple...why not write a quality guide on that? Explaining certain aspects on how to go about it (a few screenshots) and win the $60 prize! Note - The Chess event prize money has been bumped to $60 for this week only.

02-20-2007, 02:17 PM
Hi all, Chess Event Guide (http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=11) and Doomwalker Strategy Guide (http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=10) have been submitted and the prize money for both are off the list. There are however several bosses left, with prize money ranging from $30 to $100. Please visit www.bosskillers.com for a complete list of bosses and more info on Guide Submission and Guide Requirements. If any doubts you can post in this thread or PM me on forums.

Cheers :)

02-26-2007, 02:00 PM
Hey guys :) here is something you might find interesting and useful. A Hydross the Unstable Strategy Guide! (http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=14)