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Rhun 05-13-2014 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Yooxra (Post 86432)
He knows everything that matters pretty much when it comes to his family. Is why he planned to use the trial to force Jamie into having kids that will allow the name to go on, knowing well that Jamie would protect Tyrion. He doesn't care about the hardships that he will be putting Tyrion into. He has been doing it to him all his life. The problem is that Tyrion is to smart for one and he is no coward.

I don't know if Tyrion would ask Jamie to fight for him like he would of before cause of the one hand and all. Bronn wouldn't do it either cause even tho they are pals the risk might be to high for any reward. Since the prince is a judge and the trial's champion will most likely be the mountain. This is where I think the prince will step in to champion Tyrion just to get his revenge on the mountain. Not really cause of Tyrion.

It's been a while but I think in the books Bronn is being hunted down at this point. They made him into a lord I think, or at least he was marrying some fat lady, but I think Cersei or someone ordered him dead as soon as Tyrion got thrown in jail. Another thing to note that really makes no difference in the story but interesting nonetheless (since we're talking about Bronn), he wasn't the one that was training Jaime, Ilyn Payne was the one because he had no tongue and couldn't tell anyone.

NM I got it wrong, he turns down the offer to champion Tyrion for another offer. Wonder how they'll do that in the show.

rursusferre 05-13-2014 07:16 PM

Well. Illyn pain (the actor) has terminal cancer. Wasn't surprised they changed that with Jamie, but it is funny they went from a character who couldn't talk to the biggest loud mouth.

Fusa 05-14-2014 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 86437)
Well. Illyn pain (the actor) has terminal cancer. Wasn't surprised they changed that with Jamie, but it is funny they went from a character who couldn't talk to the biggest loud mouth.

But he ( Jamie), like his father (Tywin) shits gold, so that is enough for him (Bronn) to keep quiet.

McGrupp 05-15-2014 09:32 AM

I've read the books yet my memory escapes me. What exactly happened / caused Asha to turn her back on Theon other than him being reluctant as Reek. Ramsay did something with the cages or something then it just cut to her leaving...

Gogan 05-15-2014 10:49 AM

Apparently she's deathly afraid of dogs? I thought that scene was pretty strange too.

Yooxra 05-15-2014 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by McGrupp (Post 86441)
I've read the books yet my memory escapes me. What exactly happened / caused Asha to turn her back on Theon other than him being reluctant as Reek. Ramsay did something with the cages or something then it just cut to her leaving...


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 86442)
Apparently she's deathly afraid of dogs? I thought that scene was pretty strange too.

If she was scared of dogs it's probably cause Theon was a dog pretty much? He turned him into one. He sleeps with them. He acts like one. He was even neutered. He acts very much like a dog.

rursusferre 05-15-2014 08:24 PM

Grupp, the reason you don't remember that was that it wasn't in the books.

Blake 05-18-2014 08:11 PM

damn yoox nice call bro. and that ending.

Yooxra 05-18-2014 08:23 PM

Tyrion is just lucky. That had to make him feel really good.

Fusa 05-18-2014 10:46 PM

I fucking DIED laughing at this when I seen it after I watched the episode.

Rhun 05-19-2014 01:27 AM

Only Cat.

Jesus they sure fast tracked that story.

Blake 05-19-2014 10:31 AM

Gogan 05-19-2014 10:42 AM

Spoilers blake! You're lucky I already watched last night's episode.

Good call indeed, Yoox. That scene with Oberyn and Tyrion was pretty great. Dinklage needs another emmy for this season, imo. Can't wait for the fight between Oberyn and the Mountain.

Yooxra 05-19-2014 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Blake (Post 86456)

Can't help but to laugh. You could see this coming a mile away. All that shit she was talking about how people bascally explode on the rocks.


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 86457)
Spoilers blake! You're lucky I already watched last night's episode.

Good call indeed, Yoox. That scene with Oberyn and Tyrion was pretty great. Dinklage needs another emmy for this season, imo. Can't wait for the fight between Oberyn and the Mountain.

I think he needs to get an emmy also. I thought his scenes this season have just been amazing. I look forward to seeing his scenes the most over all others.

That dude is is freakish scary looking. I wouldn't want to have to fight him. They make him look 8f tall and he is built like a truck.

rursusferre 05-19-2014 02:02 PM

Yeah, Dinklage killed it this season. Yoox, that dude is like 6'9 and 400 something pounds in real life, he basically is a truck. Sad to see the Bronn/Tyrion bromance end. I think the television version has been better than the books between the two of them. God, was I fucking pissed though when it said IN TWO WEEKS.

Rhun 05-19-2014 02:55 PM

They sure do love changing actors in this show, anyone know why there's a new Gregor Clegane?

rursusferre 05-19-2014 03:12 PM

The first actor left to be in the hobbit. The second I don't know (fuck him. He sucked anyway).

Gogan 05-19-2014 03:17 PM

Apparently this is the third time the Mountain has been recast. I always hear these recasts are due to "scheduling conflicts". It kind of makes sense when you think of how many characters are in the show and how sporadically many of them appear season to season. The actors can't just sit by the phone waiting for GoT to call them back for filming.

Yooxra 05-19-2014 08:28 PM

Conan Stevens just looked the part. Mean looking.

Yeah two weeks is gonna hurt.

Fusa 05-20-2014 08:38 AM

I blame the US, the very first season they air'd them consecutive weeks ( including memorial day) viewers TANKED, so they said fuck that from the next season and on (2012-2014) now we miss a week. fucking holidays

McGrupp 05-20-2014 11:33 AM

Memorial Day is a big one for many U.S citizens..
Waiting 2 weeks does suck though
Heard the new Gregor is a World's Strongest Man Competitor...

Gogan 05-20-2014 11:37 AM

Apparently he placed 3rd in 2013 and 2nd in 2014:

The guy is seriously huge:

rursusferre 05-20-2014 12:31 PM

Yep. She is not a short woman. And the sword he carries is as big ad her. Wouldn't be surprised it the sword weighs the same as her too.

Yooxra 05-20-2014 01:51 PM

This was a good part. Mountain kills the horse lol.

Why do I get the feeling that this picture was taken
right after this one. Evil queen!

McGrupp 05-22-2014 10:04 PM

Personally, I feel like Martin lacked in a realistic depiction of Doran Martell in the books (other than he is ill)
I feel that Pedro Pascal nearly perfects the persona of Oberyn a la Charles Dance and Tywin Lannister.
Interested to see who/if they depict Doran in the TV series

Yooxra 05-23-2014 03:35 PM

Mountain vs horse

Pathology 05-25-2014 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Fusa (Post 86464)
I blame the US, the very first season they air'd them consecutive weeks ( including memorial day) viewers TANKED, so they said fuck that from the next season and on (2012-2014) now we miss a week. fucking holidays

Come be a doctor Fusa and holidays do disappear, and weekends, and nights, and your life. Path life choices 0, Fuck Path 1.

The guy playing prince oberyn is amazing and the scene with him and tyrion was my favorite of the season. I hope the fight scene is badass because I feel the action scenes are the only let downs so far. Always great drama surrounding them but the actual skill in fights falls short at times.

Rottenzombie 05-25-2014 06:41 PM

Can't wait for Hound VS Brienne.

Never happened in the book but I hope it happens in the show.

rursusferre 06-01-2014 08:09 PM

(Place holder for the inevitable)

McGrupp 06-01-2014 08:13 PM

Putting a visual on the book's description of the duels conculsion was gruesome! Gross

Yooxra 06-01-2014 09:13 PM

Just holy shit wow is all I can say. I'm so lost for words to describe what I just saw.

rursusferre 06-01-2014 09:46 PM

METAL AS FUCK is what you just saw. Brutal.

Gogan 06-01-2014 11:28 PM

That was brutal. Things aren't looking good for Tyrion. =(

Yooxra 06-02-2014 12:04 PM

You know that since watching the show I always thought of Sanza as a dim witted little kid. Ever since the beginning of her thinking she would go on her merry way to go off to king's landing and be the queen. Thinking everything would be all sweet. Last night she really showed that she learned a little something about how to play the game in her favor. I wonder if she is really falling for littlefinger. She knows that he loved her mother and couldn't be with her, since she knows he loved her mom. Their age is so far apart, but that doesn't stop some people.

So the fight. The viper could of won that fight we all know. His poor choice of trying to get the justice that he pictured in his head for so long was asking a little to much. What worried Bronn happened to the prince in the end. You simply can't give a man of that size any room to get his hands on you, the end result was no escape. If it was me I think I would of kept my distance and placed that spear into his face over and over before he could of got up. Specially if my family was killed by him like that.

Rhun 06-02-2014 07:14 PM

Don't worry friends, the season is not over yet.

Gogan 06-02-2014 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Yooxra (Post 86488)
You know that since watching the show I always thought of Sanza as a dim witted little kid. Ever since the beginning of her thinking she would go on her merry way to go off to king's landing and be the queen. Thinking everything would be all sweet. Last night she really showed that she learned a little something about how to play the game in her favor. I wonder if she is really falling for littlefinger. She knows that he loved her mother and couldn't be with her, since she knows he loved her mom. Their age is so far apart, but that doesn't stop some people.

Yeah, it was good to finally see Sansa finally grow up a little. I don't think she has any romantic feelings towards Littlefinger though. I think she's going to play him (or at least try) just like she played the other lords. I think she's realizing it's her only way out of this mess, and now that she knows Littlefinger has a thing for her she now has some power she can wield.

rursusferre 06-02-2014 08:10 PM

So i have an interesting thing I read. It was talking about "viewer fatigue" and how some people felt the viewership of the show was going to go down due to the large number of characters killed. Something like 8 major characters so far, I believe. He spoke about how hardcore watchers were in it for the long haul, but more casual viewers would leave the show due to so many characters they were attached to being murdered. I know a lot of you guys haven't read the books, so as soley show watchers, do you ever feel that way? Are you ever like "jesus christ, can someone just live?"

Gogan 06-02-2014 08:32 PM

I could definitely see that if they kill of Tyrion. I think he's really well liked at this point and one of the last few "good guys" that's been on the show since S1. I'll be really sad if they kill him, but I'm way too attached to the story itself to stop watching over any particular character's death.

I can't imagine anyone "casually" watching this show either though. There are *so* many characters and so many different storylines and it all moves so fast, you really need to watch it closely and watch it every week.

Yooxra 06-02-2014 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 86492)
So i have an interesting thing I read. It was talking about "viewer fatigue" and how some people felt the viewership of the show was going to go down due to the large number of characters killed. Something like 8 major characters so far, I believe. He spoke about how hardcore watchers were in it for the long haul, but more casual viewers would leave the show due to so many characters they were attached to being murdered. I know a lot of you guys haven't read the books, so as soley show watchers, do you ever feel that way? Are you ever like "jesus christ, can someone just live?"

I think that is a good read. Our shows tend to attach us to characters and then refuse to kill them off cause of their popularity. Notice how they don't usually kill off main characters in most shows inless it's the last show. Battlestar I think started the kill off thing and it worked well for them. It works well for Game of thrones and even tho Tyrion is a fan favorite, I don't want to see him die either, I would keep watching for sure even if they gut the dwarf. Season one was a shocker when Ned's head came off. He had to be lots of people's favorite at the time. The red wedding was hard to watch. I don't think I'd stop watching no matter who they kill. They keep adding new characters each season which keeps it fresh.

Yooxra 06-04-2014 10:37 AM

Not everyone is pleased with the way the latest Game of Thrones episode ended—so at least one fan took it upon themselves to completely re-do it.

Obviously, if you haven't watched the latest Game of Thrones episode, you should not watch this video by Ozzy Man. In fact, you should probably stop reading now.

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