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rursusferre 02-23-2013 10:35 AM

Game of thrones season 3 trailer

For those that haven't read the book, the next two seasons are going to make the feet two look like fairy tales for gay retarded children. This is gonna be awesome.

Stag 02-23-2013 01:49 PM


Blake 02-23-2013 06:23 PM

uploaded season 2 to drive incase anyone wants to rewatch it before season 3 hits

Rottenzombie 02-24-2013 01:07 AM

I hope its awesome, also hope they don't fucking ruin it.

rursusferre 02-24-2013 07:35 AM

What makes you think they'll ruin it? There are two amazing seasons that give zero evidence or inkling they would fuck it up. The only thing that bothered me was the recasting of the mountain season two, but that's it.

Stag 02-24-2013 08:29 AM

I have HBO Go so if anyone wants my login info to watch this season or anythign else just let me know

Rottenzombie 02-24-2013 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 83260)
What makes you think they'll ruin it?

By giving away some sort of hints that makes it guess-able.

I want it to be as awesome as it was in the books. Worried they'll screw it up somehow someway and deprive me of sweet sweet pubbie tv tears.

Cruci 02-25-2013 11:06 AM

I hope they spared no expense. I'd think the production costs for S3 would skyrocket with all of the large scale events that went on (weddings, battles, ect.).

Gogan 02-25-2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by rursusferre (Post 83260)
What makes you think they'll ruin it? There are two amazing seasons that give zero evidence or inkling they would fuck it up. The only thing that bothered me was the recasting of the mountain season two, but that's it.

I've read a bunch of reviews from folks who read the books that the show is deviating from the books too much, and it's already had a negative impact on S2, let along future seasons. The more things change now (even seemingly minor character/plot changes) the worse it will get down the road.

The following amazon review was pretty good on this subject, I thought:

I never read the books myself, so hopefully that'll stave off any disappointment I might have about the show. Maybe this is a case where watching the show first and reading the books later is the best way to enjoy the story.

Onion 02-25-2013 02:41 PM

As a pretty big fan of the books and the show, I really hope people stop harping on the show about being true to the books. I enjoy both quite a lot and for different reasons. I feel like the changes they made to season 2 did more for some character's development in a couple scenes than what took place in the span of an entire book.

This is why they can't be exactly the same, or we would have 24 episode seasons and over half of the episodes would be boring as shit.

rursusferre 02-26-2013 05:54 PM

It's really not deviating from the books that much. Some stuff, like internal dialogue, just aren't doable. Probably the most significant change is daenerys meeting that black guy who tried to steal the dragons. Also, some of the order of events is moved around a bit, but again it's for the sake if transition from books to tv. And I agree, it's kind of like the walking dead, it's not going to work as a 100% verbatim translation, so don't get to caught up in it.

Rhun 02-27-2013 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Onion (Post 83271)
As a pretty big fan of the books and the show, I really hope people stop harping on the show about being true to the books. I enjoy both quite a lot and for different reasons. I feel like the changes they made to season 2 did more for some character's development in a couple scenes than what took place in the span of an entire book.

This is why they can't be exactly the same, or we would have 24 episode seasons and over half of the episodes would be boring as shit.

i was going to say this, but wasn't going to put it as eloquently, that guys review on amazon is an overreaction, they are doing a fine job with the series.

McGrupp 02-27-2013 07:15 PM

Seeing the Unsullied trailer gave me chills. Can't wait

Gogan 04-02-2013 10:42 AM

Surprised no one has brought up Sunday's S3 premiere yet. Nobody watching this anymore?

Thought Sunday's episode was solid, as always. Reminded me that I really should've re-watched S2, or at least the last couple episodes, before watching the premiere. I had forgotten about a lot of the characters.

The scene between Tyrion and his father was fantastic, and probably the highlight of the episode, imo.

The trailers for S3 were pretty underwhelming, but based on the first episode, I think it'll be another strong season.

Gronthor 04-02-2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Gogan (Post 83570)
Surprised no one has brought up Sunday's S3 premiere yet. Nobody watching this anymore?

Thought Sunday's episode was solid, as always. Reminded me that I really should've re-watched S2, or at least the last couple episodes, before watching the premiere. I had forgotten about a lot of the characters.

The scene between Tyrion and his father was fantastic, and probably the highlight of the episode, imo.

The trailers for S3 were pretty underwhelming, but based on the first episode, I think it'll be another strong season.

I agree Gogan. I liked it, i really like the Jon Snow arc, and the Calissi arc a lot.

Sly 04-02-2013 01:54 PM

nobody's talking about it because nothing new happened. Yes, Tyrion getting told by his father was good but it wasn't new info that the lannisters don't give a shit about him.

Gogan 04-02-2013 02:18 PM

Don't need new information to chat about the best show on TV. The beginning of a new season should be reason enough to spark some chatter. Hell, look at how little happened in Walking Dead for the last half of the season, yet there was no shortage of conversation about it.

Yooxra 04-02-2013 02:26 PM

I enjoyed the part where
said can I have some loot please. Reminds me of Redkulaid, always begging for loot.

rursusferre 04-02-2013 03:16 PM

Yeah. That was for sure the best scene. As someone pointed out, there is so much god damn shit that happens on this show it really takes 2 weeks to get rolling. This season is going to be a monster.

Kz 04-02-2013 03:40 PM

yea i really should have rewatched the seasons before i was a little bit lost on characters for a sec. but overall yea it was solid it got things rolling, cutting off the guys nipple wasn't really needed was it. that would hurt like a bitch.

Blake 04-02-2013 03:42 PM

Guess i was the only person who went back and watched both season 1 and 2 before this. and it def paid off. forgot so many little things.

I liked a lot of what happened in the first ep.

when daenerys was trying to buy that slave army and the dude kept calling her a whore and talking all that shit. the translator had to change up basically everything he said lol

the wildling scene was pretty good too, fuckin giants

and cerseis seemed fucking pissed at margaery. she had sansa in her pocket but now margaery does what the fuck she wants.

didnt really like the whole scene with rob and the slaughterd people. felt like it wasted to much time. same with the davos scene. they could of cut those both in half and showed us the fuckin kingslayer.

also did you guys notice how much the intro map changed

Gogan 04-02-2013 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Blake (Post 83579)
when daenerys was trying to buy that slave army and the dude kept calling her a whore and talking all that shit. the translator had to change up basically everything he said lol

Yes! I was cracking up at that. The nipple slicing was brutal to watch. But I loved the part when Barristan, the former Lord Commander of the King’s Guard, showed up and pledged himself to Daenerys. I hope that guy gets some revenge this season.


and cerseis seemed fucking pissed at margaery. she had sansa in her pocket and but now margaery does what the fuck she wants.
Margery is gonna be another character everyone will hate, so she's a perfect fit for Joffrey. The tension between Margery and Joffrey will definitely be interesting. I don't remember how she came into the picture in S2, so I really need to go back and rewatch that season.


didnt really like the whole scene with rob and the slaughterd people. felt like it wasted to much time.
I didn't catch what was going on in that scene at all. Was that the town that Arya was being held at before she escaped? Did they not show what happened to everyone there, or am I just forgetting? I assume the Lannister army slaughtered everyone for some reason?

Blake 04-02-2013 04:26 PM


I don't remember how she came into the picture in S2, so I really need to go back and rewatch that season.
Lord baelish brokered a deal with her family after the gay barathion got killed by the red witch whore. they teamed up with tywin to save kings landing from stannis.


I didn't catch what was going on in that scene at all. Was that the town that Arya was being held at before she escaped? Did they not show what happened to everyone there, or am I just forgetting? I assume the Lannister army slaughtered everyone for some reason?
im pretty sure thats where the kingslayer took his army before they captured him and slaughtered everyone. which didn't really make sense how that guy was still alive since it seemed so long ago. but basically everyone was pissed that lady stark let him escape. which is why those 2 guys were ranting and rob had his mom put in a cell.

Rhun 04-03-2013 12:25 PM

No blake, it's where arya was, it's Harrenhal...which i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure rob never went there, he was headed to Riverrun at this point. Roose Bolton took some men there.

There were a few other things that were different or left out, such as Sam kills a wight with his obsidian (dragonglass). And at the end of the episode with Barristan Selmy...again i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure it takes a while before jorah mormont realizes it's barristan selmy. Also, this just might not be in there yet but selmy has a sidekick, stong belwas.

Also it's fun watching you guys speculate on what might happen, don't worry i won't ruin anything.

Onion 04-03-2013 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Rhun (Post 83585)
No blake, it's where arya was, it's Harrenhal...which i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure rob never went there, he was headed to Riverrun at this point. Roose Bolton took some men there.

There were a few other things that were different or left out, such as Sam kills a wight with his obsidian (dragonglass). And at the end of the episode with Barristan Selmy...again i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure it takes a while before jorah mormont realizes it's barristan selmy. Also, this just might not be in there yet but selmy has a sidekick, stong belwas.

Also it's fun watching you guys speculate on what might happen, don't worry i won't ruin anything.

I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be Harrenhal or another castle. I need to re-watch that scene where they show the castle's skyline. The Qyburn entry makes me think Harrenhal.

I was disappointed they left out the Sam bit, but we'll see.

You don't know it's Selmy until the 4th or 6th book, can't remember which. They had to do it this way simply because the show watchers would have realized it if they didn't pretty fast, especially with the "Previously on.." shit. Also, if Belwas isn't in the show I'm gonna be so sad, his character is so awesome.


I think the most interesting part was that they don't mention that Daenerys can understand the trader the entire time but chooses to pretend like she doesn't so that she can get a true estimation of the man and his ilk.

Gogan 04-03-2013 02:26 PM

It was definitely Harrenhal. Got some of the backstory from the GoT wiki:

So I guess there was no battle there. Robb was marching there with the intention of seizing it, but the previous lord, Ser Gregor Clegane, abandoned it. Before leaving, he killed all the prisoners.


You don't know it's Selmy until the 4th or 6th book, can't remember which.
That's pretty cool. I could see that being an awesome reveal when you finally find out. Makes sense that they had to change it for tv though.

rursusferre 04-05-2013 07:45 AM

Yeah, i was reading a discussion where people talked about the Selmy reveal. I can understand why they did it this way. For one, its television and so people can actually see its the same person, as opposed to the books. Also, it would be one more new character in a show that already has a million (my wife can barely keep track). Some people would get lost. I don't really see how they can cut Strong Belwas entirely, so I imagine he'll be there at some point.

I agree with the Sam bit, but again, I imagine it will be there at some point, it's kind of important.

The giant was great, glad they changed that from the book.

I am 90% sure it was Harrenhal, I can't really think of where else that could be.

Gogan 04-05-2013 10:57 AM


The giant was great, glad they changed that from the book.
Was there no giant in the book? I assumed that was just the tv show showing off it's special effects and doesn't actually impact the story at all.

rursusferre 04-05-2013 12:07 PM

No. Giants are definitely in the books. Even semi important. But they look like giant wookies with tiny heads.

Onion 04-05-2013 08:15 PM

No strong belwas :(


Q: Since the revelation of Ser Barristan Selmy came without the intervening Arsten deception, I'm assuming that there will be no Strong Belwas in the series.

A: Correct.
Fan asking GRRM if Belwas is out.

Rottenzombie 04-06-2013 12:01 AM

So that means no Strong Belwas shit fountain?

Blake 04-07-2013 07:49 PM

Not sure if anyone needs it but here is the new ep.

i also got S1 and S2 posted

Streaming is only 360p but you can DL them for better qlty

Rottenzombie 04-07-2013 11:58 PM

I knew he wasn't going to be in awhile back, but no Vargo Hoat makes me sad.
I really wanted to hear him say "Kingthlayer", plus the bear scene would have been cool.

Rhun 04-08-2013 03:01 AM

ugh no Vargo hoat either? wtf....ok i like strong belwas, but how the fuck do you take out vargo hoat

just watched the second episode...i forgot about the reeds, was cool to see them, i like their characters

Rottenzombie 04-08-2013 01:52 PM

No "Thapphires" either :(

Gogan 04-15-2013 02:22 PM

Crazy good episode last night.

Kz 04-15-2013 03:52 PM

yea that ending last night o man.

Nucholza 04-15-2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kz (Post 83673)
yea that ending last night o man.

I hardly ever say anything out loud when I watch TV or movies, but when that happened I said "oh fuck!" pretty loud lol

rursusferre 04-16-2013 02:57 PM

Yeah, when they were ending the episode in the camp, i knew what was coming. Melissa however, has no idea about the books. She did the same "OH FUCK" as nuch. It was an awesome episode, and its only gonna get better.

Onion 04-16-2013 03:10 PM

The people I was watching with didn't understand the significance of Jaime losing his sword hand.

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