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Old 02-10-2007, 05:28 PM
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Ciderhelm Ciderhelm is offline
Eventide Emeritus
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 675
0.6 Talent & Skill Information
The following includes information, math and correlations between talents.

0.6.1 Skills
Spell Reflect will reflect or negate most single-target spells. It will reflect the single target aspect of some spell volleys, such as Shadowbolt Volley. It will not reflect pure AOE skills, such as Frost Nova.

Commanding Shout and Battle Shout cannot be stacked by a single Warrior. Having two Warriors in a group will maximize that group's efficiency in a raid setting.

0.6.1 Arms
Improved Heroic Strike represents a 20% increase in Rage efficiency. This stacks with Focused Rage for a 40% increase in Rage efficiency.

Iron Will is additive to the Orc Racial and will allow 40% Stun Resist.

Improved Thunderclap represents a 20% decrease in Attack Speed. This equates to a 20% reduction in normal attack damage, but does not affect special abilities.

Weapon Mastery represents Disarm Immunity against most mobs. It increases your overall chance to resist Disarm by 100%; this is to clarify the talent for some who believe this doubles the base chance.

0.6.2 Fury
Booming Voice does not increase threat values for the affected Shouts.

Cruelty does not represent a 5% increase in overall threat. However, it can net a larger bonus than 5% damage for Warriors who spec into Impale or Flurry.

Dual-Wield Specialization does not increase Shield Slam damage.

Improved Slam is useful for PVP, where a 0.5 second cast is usually enough to hit a mobile target. However, Slam is still on a 1.5 sec Global Cooldown and this talent will have little effect on stationary PVE targets.

Improved Intercept greatly increases the chance that you will wind up somewhere you didn't mean to go.

Improved Berserker Rage instantly creates as much rage as Anger Management over the course of 30 seconds.

0.6.2 Protection
Improved Bloodrage will generate enough rage on pulling to land a Shield Slam immediately.

Tactical Mastery will allow you to Intercept and Pummel when changing stances. Since Intercept stun works on most creatures, this is only effective on interruptible raid mobs.

Anticipation represents a 0.8% increase Block, Dodge, Parry, Chance to be Missed and a 0.8% reduction in Critical Hits. This is a cumulative 4%.

Toughness will allow you to live 10% longer while tanking. Percentage increases in Armor have a curved relation to Damage Reduction; they have a linear relation to life expectancy.

Improved Shield Block allows your Shield Block ability to last through the duration of the cooldown. It also is critical in reducing the number of Crushing Blows while raid tanking.

Defiance is not multiplicative with the normal Defensive Stance threat modifier; it is additive. Defiance and Defensive Stance will produce a 45% increase in threat.

Improved Sunder Armor represents a 20% increase in Rage efficiency. This stacks with Focused Rage for a 40% increase in Rage efficiency.

Shield Mastery increases Shield Block Value, which increases Shield Slam damage.

One-Handed Specialization increases Shield Slam damage by 10%.

Shield Slam can dispel magic shields on some classes. If the shield is dispelled, the Shield Slam deals full damage to the target, as if the shield had been inactive when the player was struck.

Focused Rage has a major impact on most abilities. With Focused Rage and Improved Heroic and Improved Sunder, Revenge will cost 2 Rage, Heroic Strike and Sunder Armor will cost 9 Rage.

Devastate is more threat than Sunder Armor when dealing 201 damage. It is more Rage efficient than Sunder Armor when dealing 274 damage. The innate threat of Devastate does not increase. Devastate is Normalized, meaning it faster weapons are not heavily penalized; however, Daggers provide the poorest performance.
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