Thread: Lost S5 Finale
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Old 05-14-2009, 12:24 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
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Richard says in latin "he who will serve/protect us all" or something to that effect.
Oh nice!

The Lost forums are lit up today with all the parallels between Jacob and "Anti-Jacob" and various religions/mythologies. The similarities to those of egyptian mythology are obviously intentional, even if the writers don't choose to directly state it's the core plot.

I'm becoming less opposed to Jacob and Anti-Jacob (AJ) being supernatural entities the more I think about it all, simply because the the story that's being so delicately woven is really interesting and impressive.

A few minor details that are being brought up today that are kind of interesting:

"I loved the "LOST" at the end with the white background. The Light Side seems to have the upper hand going into the final season"
-- an interesting interpretation I hadn't thought about. source

Screenshots of Juliet's flashback:

For something that happened at least 30 years ago (the 70s), the house and people sure look pretty modern. Further, the book on the table "Mysteries of the Ancient Americas" was published in 1986.

The book Jacob was reading (Everything That Rises Must Converge) was apparently a collection of short stories about the pettiness and graces of humanity. Perhaps ties into Jacob and AJ's opening discussion:

Jacob: I take it you're here because of the ship.
Anti-Jacob: I am. How did they find the island?
J: You'll have to ask them when they get here.
AJ: I don't have to ask. You brought them here. You're trying to prove me wrong aren't you?
J: You are wrong.
AJ: Am I? They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. Always ends the same.
J: But it only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress.
Interestingly, Rose says something similar when Sawyer, Juliet, and Kate run into them. She says something along the lines of "it's always something with you people. you're always fighting each other, trying to blow each other up." I'd bet we haven't seen the last of Rose and Bernard.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru
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