Thread: (*Lost*)
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Old 02-11-2010, 04:32 PM
Orlandin Orlandin is offline
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Posts: 623
Still think this whole thing has to do with the war between Jacob (white/free will) and the man in black[MIB]/smokey (black/fate) and with our main characters stuck right in the middle of their war.

We've kinda already seen chars take sides, with Locke relenting to his fate that he was supposed to be dead and having MIB take over his body. I'm guessing Jack would be on Jacobs side with how he is now that things can change if he does something like blow up a bomb.

I'm also bit confused with the recent events of Sayid like Nuch. Why would Jacob send Hurley and his guitar case with a note in it to revive Sayid only to have him come back "infected"? I'm do think the temple people are on Jacobs side because their bound to the whole choice thing as they can't kill Sayid without him choosing to eat the poison pill. Strange that Smokey lived there as well though..doesn't add up.

In any case will be interesting to see who our losties end up helping, could vary by character. My theory still goes on that these characters are all variables and pieces in the game their playing and we're going to see who wins by the end of this show which will explain why all the chars were brought there in the first place.
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