Thread: (*Lost*)
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Old 03-03-2010, 03:36 PM
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So my girlfriend read me some stuff after a discussion about how much the episode last night sucked.

Going with my Aaron = smoke monster theory: Apparently during the first season Claire gets a fortune teller to read her fortune. She tells claire its of the most utmost importance that she raises her son, no one else. Nothing concrete, but its something.

Also, someone wrote about how the others worked so hard to capture walt, then seemed to let him go so easily and let him off the island. What if they are looking for someone's son. They don't know who, but they know the person is someone's son. Seems to be something similiar with Jack, they keep putting importance on the fact he is christian's son. But what if Christian isn't important himself as much as he is a man who has been to the island and has had a son. Again, nothing concrete, but there seems to be these themes of the "prodigal son" alot on Lost. What if Aaron is supposed to be some savior. Kinda of a long shot, and it would add one more thing to the list of Lost plotlines, but I don't put it past them. The smoke monster seems to have a liking of claire. I am sure she has no idea, but what if he does.
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