Thread: (*Lost*)
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Old 03-24-2010, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Nucholza View Post
I wonder how smokey lost his old body. When oceanic 815 crashed on the island did he still have the body we see back when Richard first arrived or had he already lost that body? And if he had already lost that body, then whose form did he take before Locke?

Maybe I'm forgetting something, but did we ever come to explanation for how people saw people who shouldn't have been on the island like walt - I can't remember if it was Hurley or someone else that saw walt at some point after he was off the island. Didn't we come to the conclusion that Smokey could only take the form of people who arrived on the island already dead?

P.S. I'm at a computer lab on campus between classes and someone just farted really, really loud. I laughed.
I'm alittle confused too about the Smokey body snatching changing thing cause of what happened on the boat with Isabella.
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