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Old 05-28-2012, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Redkulaid View Post
They changed it from the book a bit, but the general idea is there. From taking to others about it, and ill have to re read it after this season, the [P]Imp is supposed to get burned, not cut. He does live, but I wont spoil it anymore. A lot happens after this, and I wounder where they will leave it for the end of the season. S3 is gonna be great, but i think they will split the book into two seasons, as a ton of stuff happens, including the Red Wedding.

Good season so far, I just want more already. They have kept pace with the books, but I have noticed more and more changes from the book as it goes on.
Been a few years since I read it, but if I remember correctly, the book goes a little something like this:

Tyrion leads the guard into battle like the b/a we all know and love. They're basically skipping around, climbing all over whatever is left floating. Tyrion finds himself clinging to debris/boats to avoid drowning. Ser Meryn happens to be there to save the day...or so he thinks. Tyrion ends up getting slashed by Meryn in the book rather that pulled to safety (the gash as well as the burn are referenced throughout the next books). The squire (Podrick Payne?) is there to kill Meryn and save Tyrion. He also gets burned pretty badly as you said, but that was another moment in the battle.

I'm not against the decision to tone it down. If Tyrion is drastically changed in appearance, I don't think it would go over too well with the more casual audience. Lets be honest, the dude is pretty good looking, midge or not, he's got it going on.
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