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Old 05-28-2012, 09:54 PM
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Rottenzombie Rottenzombie is offline
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I'm re-reading the books right now. Halfway through 3. I don't remember reading about Tyrion getting burned, but he takes a wound in the elbow, and then Ser Mandon Moore hacks him in the face and cuts off half his nose. Throughout that whole chapter though, he's a complete fucking badass. (HALFMAN HALFMAN HALFMAN) And yes that was on the ruins of ships on the river from his awesome chain idea that they completely cut from the show.

I know why they cut so much from the books, and it makes perfect sense. There is an absolute fuck-ton of backstory, inner dialogue, and tons of small info just thrown into the books. There is so much, that there's no fucking way they can cram it into 10 hours of TV time. So I totally get why they hack the story up, add things in to make new plotlines, and cut other plotlines completely out.
There is no Roz in the books.
There may be one line at some point referencing her. But I get why they added her.
Tywin doesn't have Arya for a cupbearer. I believe she only barely see's him.
Stuff they cut out between Sansa and the Hound.
Jon and Ygritte, that shits slightly different.
Things like that. The list could easily go on.

That's what the books are for though. If you like the show, read the books, they are way more rewarding.
But, GRRM being the absolute fucker he is, he's wrote himself into a corner, and the story here on out from the last book is gonna be fucking dumb.

From what he was quoted on saying years and years ago, is that this current story if just a precursor to the war between the Others and the realm of men. Book 4 gets close to starting it, by book 5 that shits an afterthought. GRRM has no idea what he's doing now.
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