Thread: Planetside 2
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Old 11-07-2012, 11:55 PM
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Rottenzombie Rottenzombie is offline
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The bugs in this game right now can be awesome. You can buy a nitro boost thing for an atv and it lets you climb walls/fly atm.

Releases 11/20 completely free to play, don't have a to pay a cent.
This game is still pretty fun, you don't have to be good at fps games to enjoy it.
SOE does have their work cut out for them. There are still lots of problems and issues they need to work out in the next couple weeks. But, (!) I still really enjoy playing and shooting people in the face

They've been consistently patching once a week for content/fixes, and hotfixing bugs as needed. It's nice! Since a few patches ago, I've been crashing every 5-10 min, and it's finally stopped!

Last edited by Rottenzombie; 11-08-2012 at 12:02 AM.
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