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Old 04-02-2013, 04:26 PM
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Blake Blake is offline
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I don't remember how she came into the picture in S2, so I really need to go back and rewatch that season.
Lord baelish brokered a deal with her family after the gay barathion got killed by the red witch whore. they teamed up with tywin to save kings landing from stannis.

I didn't catch what was going on in that scene at all. Was that the town that Arya was being held at before she escaped? Did they not show what happened to everyone there, or am I just forgetting? I assume the Lannister army slaughtered everyone for some reason?
im pretty sure thats where the kingslayer took his army before they captured him and slaughtered everyone. which didn't really make sense how that guy was still alive since it seemed so long ago. but basically everyone was pissed that lady stark let him escape. which is why those 2 guys were ranting and rob had his mom put in a cell.
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