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Old 06-05-2014, 10:42 PM
Gogan Gogan is offline
Fuse Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: California
Posts: 8,405
Got to level 15 tonight. 3 nights of playing -- 15 levels. So slow. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Quests have been more of the same. Nothing really special or interesting. There was a solo instance that was cool to see. Took about 15 mins to clear. And I did a world event with some other random person that was fun.

Then I got my house. Holy crap did they do housing right. From what little I've seen of WoW's upcoming garrisons, WS's housing absolutely blows it out of the water. You basically go into an instance where you have several plots of land on which to build your house and other fixtures. There is soooo many customization possibilities on both the inside and outside of your house, down to the damn sky (snowy, dark, outerspace, rainbows, stormy, underwater(!), etc). It's amazing, and will be a genius gold sink (everything costs money). Just really, really well done.
Gogan :: Ikuya :: Haibane :: Asano :: Kuramori :: Aozaru
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